Cup info:
Play for Hungary LoL #Cup 2
Max 64 Teams
Cup-Admin: c3nT
Cup-Admin: bkzoR
Shoutcaster: MSTheChosenOne German
Shoutcaster: Pierce Hungary
Date: 13.11.13
Starting: 16:00 Germany Time
Signup end: 15:30 Germany Time
Ending: 23:59 Germany Time
Timezone: CEST +1
Mode: Bo1
The Cup is at EU West-Server

by 64 Teams
1st Place: 10.000,00 Forint for the team
Signup Here:
Sign Up - Forum - Link
Through the problems with our website, its allowed to sign up for the cup with sending an email with all relevant informations to anni@myrevenge.net
Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules in english
Tree Here:
Brackets - Link
Max 64 Teams
Cup-Admin: c3nT
Cup-Admin: bkzoR
Shoutcaster: MSTheChosenOne German
Shoutcaster: Pierce Hungary
Date: 13.11.13
Starting: 16:00 Germany Time
Signup end: 15:30 Germany Time
Ending: 23:59 Germany Time
Timezone: CEST +1
Mode: Bo1
The Cup is at EU West-Server
Cup is sponsord by: www.tecstore.net

by 64 Teams
1st Place: 10.000,00 Forint for the team
Signup Here:
Sign Up - Forum - Link
Through the problems with our website, its allowed to sign up for the cup with sending an email with all relevant informations to anni@myrevenge.net
Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules in english
Tree Here:
Brackets - Link