VIE.GG ASIA Dota 2 Pro Season #1 |
'Maister_24'" 14.10.2018 |
Your Team is the best Asaian Dota Team? You are the all-time-carrrier, the Galdiator who turn even the hardest Matches? Are you sure...?
If you are convinced to deserved the Title of the „very be... |
Merry Christmas |
Christian 'Noir'" Heinrichs 24.12.2013 |
The chairmen and the management of myRevenge e.V. wish every player and all visitors of the clan.
 Frohe Weihnachten
 Merry Christmas
 Hyvää joulua
 Weso?ych ?wi?t
 God jul
 Joyeux Noël
 Feli... |
MyRevenge welcomes a new Smite Germ... |
Sebastian 'stb'" Kubsch 06.12.2013 |
myRevenge presents proudly our new German Smite Team!
“We are lucky to welcome such a talented team in our lineup. Even if the team is a newcomer we see the potential of this team. Of course th...
Technical issue regarding website |
Sascha 'Hiwamashi'" Krinke 11.11.2013 |
Dear visitors, dear guests,
as you may have already noticed, we are currently encountering massive problems regarding our website. As a result of this we had an databasecrash on Sunday, 10th of Oc... |
Play for Hungary LoL #Cup 1 |
Simon 'bkzoR'" Balázs 31.10.2013 |
On the 30.10.2013 we organized the 1st myRevenge  cup for League of Legends on the EUW server.
Twenty teams participated for the #1st myR cup and gave everything to win this cup. For informations w... |