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Interview with Nathalie aka NatH
Date 14.01.2012
Author Noir
Links ESL Team LinkESL Player Link

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Hello NatH, thanks a lot for taking the time for this interview. First of all, I would like to ask you to introduce yourself.

Hello Noir. My name is Natalia Duzniak. I am 22 years old and I’m from Poland. In Counter Strike I am using a nick “NatH” which is a short name for Nathalie.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
How long have you been playing this game already, and why?

NatH Answer:
I started playing this game 8 years ago. One day my friend was so excited because of this game and he was the one who has shown it to me for the first time. I didnt like it at first because I couldnt understand how it works. He just came and killed me in 2 seconds and I was like “f*** this game, it is shit!”. But after playing it for a week I learned a few things and I started to love CS.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
How come you are in team "name"?

NatH Answer:
I'm currently playing for the Polish organization which is called „Clan Poland”. Im playing together with Fli, kleo, Qlka and Leyla.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
In which league can your team be found?

NatH Answer:
WAt the moment I am playing with my team in the ESL EU 5on5 ladder and of course we are playing in the myR female league.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
What do you think about the myRevenge Female League and who are your favorites?

NatH Answer:
I think that your organization is doing a good job. Our little female Counter Strike world needs such tournaments.I think there are many very good teams, but my favorites are Cybernation, Asus ladies, Escalate Ladies, w4sp. Female.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
Did you anticipate that there are 19 teams in this league?

NatH Answer:
Yes, of course; because currently there are not many tournaments for us. I hope there will be more competitions of that kind in the future because we need them!

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
What would you improve about the myRevenge league?

NatH Answer:
You know what I want to improve in this league But this is your choice.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
Are you satisfied with your team and the management?

NatH Answer:
We are satisfied with our organization. We have all we need so there is nothing to complain about.

myRevenge e.V. Qustion:
How many training do you complete as a team and how many hours do you approximately play in a week?

NatH Answer:
Currently, we come back to the game because we had a Christmas break. Normally we play about 2-3 times a week.

Thanks for your time, if you want you can say hi to someone, the last words are yours

Thank you for the interview I would like to send regards to you, my team, the menagment Clan Poland and all people who are reading this interview

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